13 - Real Talk: Station Stories

How do you learn astrology? By observing it out in the wild! In today’s episode, listeners share what really happened during Mercury retrograde, eclipse season, and the recent stations of Jupiter and Pluto.

  • 03:32 Mercury retrograde and eclipse stories

  • 13:28 Stationary planet refresher

  • 15:44 Jupiter station retrograde stories

  • 21:49 Pluto station direct stories

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Blog post on planet channeling: https://www.astrologywithclaire.com/blog/get-answers-now-with-planet-channeling

GUIDED, my planet channeling class: https://courses.astrologywithclaire.com/courses/guided


14 - What Really Happened During My Saturn Transit


12 - Astrology Fear Is Real. Here’s How to Handle It.