What’s a Void in Course Moon?
Picture this: a mirror hangs next to the busiest door of the house. Catching a stray hair, solo pep talks, picking food out of teeth—the mirror sees it all. All the planets walk by this mirror on their way out to do their business. But once in a while, nobody walks by…for hours, sometimes even a whole day.
This empty space between planet reflections is like a Void in Course Moon. For the rest of this post, I’m going with void Moon for short. Brief and incomplete definition: a void Moon occurs when the Moon makes no aspects to other planets.
What does a mirror, or in this case the Moon, reflect when nobody walks by? Simply the room it’s in. In this analogy, let’s pretend the room is the zodiac sign. There’s an openness, a restfulness, even a purity that a void Moon has that busier Moons don’t.
All we tend to hear about void Moons in pop astro is what not to do. But my silly mirror analogy doesn’t make them sound so bad, right? There’s a lot of things I like to use a void Moon for. In fact, I’m doing one of them right now…
Void Moons in daily life
A void Moon doesn’t reflect absolutely nothing. I tend to experience it as an exaggerated reflection of whatever zodiac sign “room” that it’s in. For example, when the Moon is void in Pisces, the vibe is extra Pisces-like.
But imagine when two mirrors reflect each other and create this dizzying, eternal replication. That’s also a void Moon. This Moon is purely moony, and I mean that in the dictionary.com way.
So what’s a void Moon useful for? It depends on the zodiac sign, but here’s a few ideas:
Trance-like & meditative tasks
Getting “lost” in something
Spiritual practice
Under a void Moon, I’ll intentionally let myself go “off course.” Meaning, I’ll work on or do something that was unscheduled but feels important and alive in the moment.
Personally, I love writing and doing astrology consults during void Moons. I do these things most days, no matter the astrology, but I’ve noticed some unique signatures of doing them under void Moons.
During most void Moons, I’m like an empty field. A pure, receptive channel. Info just pops into my head and when I follow it, sometimes I end up with a whole blog post on void Moons (happening now)! Or in a consult, I’ll follow a “tangent” that ends up not being a tangent at all, but the most vital takeaway for the client in front of me.
Are you starting to get some ideas about your own life?
This word channel makes me think of all the lore about conjuring spirits in reflective surfaces. What can this teach us about void Moons?
What my third grade blunder can teach you about void moons
True story. I once got busted in a McDonald’s playground because I was “channeling” with another kid. Sorry, Mom. (Can you imagine the conversation she had to have with that other mother??) This “channeling” was something I picked up at a third grade sleepover, along with the classic Light as a feather, stiff as a board.
So what does my childhood spookiness have to do with void Moons? Think about the many traditions where reflective surfaces are considered doorways to the spirit world, whether they’re mirrors, water, crystal balls, or people who are skilled space holders and witnesses. Is the info you receive from these mediums less valuable? I think not. But it might require a different skillset to translate & use it.
My point is, a lot of the modern warnings that come along with void moons have to do with their lack of tangible, visible, “real world” results. But it doesn’t mean they have no effect. Just because we can’t see something doesn’t mean it’s not real, right?
What does it mean if you have a natal void moon?
But what if you have a natal void Moon? (Incomplete definition: a natal Moon that makes no aspects.) I’m hesitant to encapsulate this in a tiny post because context truly matters. I believe it depends on the moon’s sign, house location, and the client’s personal history and maturity.
But sometimes there’s a wandering, seeking quality to natal void moons. I’ve heard many self-identify as “spacy”, “sensitive”, “impressionable”, and report “floating through” life. “Not of this world.”
Think back to our mirror by the door analogy. There’s no planet to give this Moon direction or shape. When a void Moon looks in the mirror what does it see? Existential emptiness or eternal possibility? It depends on your perspective.
Who am I? What do I believe? Who/what can fill this void? These are frequent void Moon questions.
Sometimes people with natal void Moons tell me stories of their beautiful openness being misused by others. Or stories of attaching to or emulating someone else, desperate for any hazy reflection in the mirror.
But when a void Moon is safe in their body, with boundaries, with security, there’s nothing quite like it. They may be exceptionally gifted space holders. Listeners. Witnesses. Real mirrors. They possess a clarity that’s hard to match.